
Employers & Military Commands

TRAFFIX staff provides free assistance to area businesses and military commands. We help them develop and implement customized transportation alternative programs to lower commuting costs, increase productivity, and improve the quality of life for their staff.


Helping Area Businesses

Commuter programs can support employees who use alternate modes of transportation, which can include employees who carpool, vanpool, bike or walk to work, have a compressed work week or flexible hours, telework or take transit. Supporting commuting options can benefit employers through improvements in employee wellness, productivity, and retention. Potential savings are available to employer through tax benefits and reduced parking demand.

TRAFFIX Commuter Benefits Program can stand side-by-side with your organization’s medical, dental and vision benefits.

Employer Services

  • Meet with a Commuter Outreach Specialist to discuss how the TRAFFIX program can help employees with their commute and appoint an employee to serve as the liaison between TRAFFIX staff and company/command.
  • Develop a survey to determine the commuting habits of current employees, and identify incentives that would encourage them to try another commuting option, such as carpool, transit, or biking.
  • Discuss Parking Management options, such as preferential parking for carpools and vanpools, using TRAFFIX hang tags and signage and creating a parking management plan.
  • Carpool matching and commuter rewards through the TRAFFIX Rewards program.
  • Sponsor Vanpool formation with third party vendors or participate in a stipend or subsidy for the cost of leasing a van.
  • Financial Incentives
  • Onsite presentations to employees
    • Brown Bag Lunches
    • Transportation / Health / Benefit Fairs / New Employee Orientations
  • TRAFFIX staff will monitor and evaluate your program


Helping Military Commands

Helping Military Commands

In addition to the items listed above, TRAFFIX has a dedicated military outreach liaison to help your installation and command with commuting options. Our military office is located in Building C-9 at Naval Station Norfolk and is responsible for all installations in the region.

  • Promote military fringe benefit programs:
    • Navy/Marines: The Transportation Incentive Program (TIP) provides up to $315 a month to pay for transit and vanpool commuting costs.
    • Air Force/Army/Space Force/Coast Guard: The Mass Transportation Benefit Program (MTBP) provides up to $315 a month to pay for transit and vanpool commuting costs.
  • Onsite presentations to employees such as monthly INDOC presentations, transportation/health fairs and community events.


Contact Caleb Smith for more information or to arrange a presentation.