
8 Reasons to Try Ridesharing This Month

We get it — the daily drive can feel like an endless loop of stop-and-go traffic, podcasts you’ve replayed a thousand times, and fuel costs that make your wallet wince. But what if there was a better way to get to work, save some money, and do your part for the environment? Spoiler alert: there is, and it’s called ridesharing! If you’re stuck in your single-occupancy vehicle (SOV) and haven’t yet explored rideshare options, this month is the perfect time to switch things up. Here’s a few reasons why you should try ridesharing this month!

group of people in a car

1. Save Money, Save Stress

Let’s start with the obvious — ridesharing saves you cash. Gas prices got you down? When you split fuel costs among a carload of fellow commuters, you’ll see your wallet grow just as fast as your stress levels drop. With fewer solo trips, you’ll spend less on parking, vehicle maintenance, and even tolls. Plus, many areas offer incentives or commuter rewards just for giving ridesharing a shot. Who doesn’t love rewards for doing less driving? 

2. Reduce Your Carbon Footprint

We’re all about sustainable transportation, and when you share a ride, you’re actively contributing to the fight against climate change. By reducing the number of vehicles on the road, ridesharing cuts down on greenhouse gas emissions. Imagine reducing your carbon footprint just by sitting in the passenger seat—minimal effort, maximum impact. It’s a win-win for you and the planet. 

3. Make Your Commute Social

If your daily solo drive feels like an extended time-out, ridesharing is a great way to inject some social interaction into your commute. Whether you ride with friends, coworkers, or new acquaintances, having someone to chat with makes the trip feel shorter and a lot more enjoyable. You never know—your new carpool buddy might just introduce you to your next favorite TV show or restaurant.


4. Cut Down on Traffic

We all hate traffic. It’s a universal truth. But did you know that ridesharing can actually help ease congestion? Fewer single-occupancy vehicles mean fewer cars clogging up the roads. It’s not just better for your commute, but for everyone else’s too. The more people who opt for rideshare options, the faster we all get where we’re going. So, in a way, you’re a hero just by riding with others! 

5. Flexible Commuter Options

Worried that ridesharing will lock you into a rigid schedule? Not at all! There are plenty of rideshare options to fit your lifestyle. Whether you use a rideshare app, join a vanpool, or rotate driving duties with friends, there’s flexibility. You can choose daily, weekly, or even occasional ridesharing. It’s all about finding what works best for you and your commute. 

6. Boost Productivity

Have you ever wanted to start your day by clearing your inbox, reading a book, or even just zoning out without worrying about traffic? Ridesharing lets you take back those lost commuting hours. If you’re not behind the wheel, you’re free to catch up on emails, prep for meetings, or unwind with your favorite podcast. By the time you get to work, you’ll feel ahead of the game—or at least a little less frazzled. 

7. Enjoy Peace of Mind 

Worried about getting stuck at work when life happens? With TRAFFIX’s Guaranteed Ride Home program, you can try ridesharing without the fear of being stranded. Whether it’s a last minute emergency or your child gets sick at school, TRAFFIX ensures you’ll have a ride home, up to six times per year.  

8. Help Create a More Sustainable Community

By making the switch to ridesharing, you’re part of a movement toward sustainable transportation. It’s not just about saving a few bucks or skipping out on the daily grind—it’s about helping your community grow smarter and greener. When more people participate in rideshare options, we pave the way for improved transit systems, less pollution, and a better quality of life for everyone. Who knew your commute could make such a difference? 

The Bottom Line

This month is the perfect time to step out of your single-occupancy vehicle and try ridesharing. With flexible commuter options, cost savings, and the chance to make a positive environmental impact, ridesharing is more than just an alternative—it’s a smart, sustainable solution for a better commute. So grab a coworker, jump into a carpool, and enjoy the ride. You might be surprised by how much you enjoy it!