
Reducing Carbon Emissions: The Ultimate Guide

Reducing carbon emissions has never been easier. With many businesses and organizations focusing on zero-waste and eco-friendly products, there’s no shortage of ways you can make your life more sustainable. One of the biggest areas you can make an impact in reducing your carbon emissions is through transportation. In Virginia, the average vehicle miles traveled is over 82 million. It’s obvious that Virginians need to change their driving habits to better the environment. But how? Here’s your ultimate guide to reducing your carbon emissions.

Source: Julia Sudnitskaya/Shutterstock.com

What are Carbon Emissions?

Carbon emissions, simply put, is carbon dioxide. Anything that releases carbon dioxide when used is a carbon emission, also known as a greenhouse gas. Greenhouse gases, according to the EPA, trap heat and create warmer temperatures throughout the globe. In the US, almost 30% of greenhouse gas emissions are from transportation. With such a large contribution, it makes sense that we should be focusing on how we can change up our transportation decisions to reduce carbon emissions.

Easy Ways to Reduce Carbon Emissions

Reducing carbon emissions doesn’t have to be difficult. There are lots of easy ways you can shift your lifestyle habits to live a little greener.

Source: Dorde Krstic/Shutterstock.com

  1. Take public transit. Public transportation is a great avenue to reducing greenhouse gases in the air and cutting back on carbon emissions. Since one bus can take the place of at least three cars, not only does it clear congestion on the roadways, but it also can reduce the sheer number of cars on the road. If the average bus can hold thirty people, and each of those people were originally driving themselves, that’s thirty total cars off the road. Imagine how much more space communities could have for parks, small businesses and community artwork! Many public transit services offer a discounted card for businesses, and these programs are perfect for businesses and their employees who want to reduce their carbon footprint. The GoPass365 is a great option for Hampton Roads based businesses served by Hampton Roads Transit.
  2. Invest in a quality water bottle. Instead of buying lots of plastic water bottles, invest in a quality reusable water bottle. Stainless steel, glass and even some plastic water bottles last longer than a disposable bottle and can help to keep your water cool even in sunlight. While some of these water bottles might seem expensive at the outset, they actually cost less than buying packs and packs of plastic water bottles. With so many reusable water bottle companies out there, you’re sure to find one that’s perfect for your lifestyle.
  3. Try carpooling. Not everyone is served by public transit, unfortunately. Carpooling is a great alternative! Whether you’re headed to get dinner with friends or want to reduce the stress of your daily commute, carpooling is the perfect commuter option out there. For long distance commutes to businesses that have a group of at least five people who want to ride together, vanpooling is another unique solution. You share the costs of a vanpool vehicle, and some transportation demand management (TDM) programs actually take care of the gas and maintenance costs. It’s the perfect solution to make a hectic commute bearable!
  4. Unplug appliances. Have you heard of vampire devices? These are appliances and gadgets around your home that use lots of energy, even when they aren’t turned on. Desktop computers, coffee makers, microwaves, TV sets, and gaming consoles are some of the most draining appliances in your household. Unplugging these appliances when you’re not using them can really make a difference on your electric bill and energy usage. These habits might take some time to get started, but the benefits will make it all worth it!

Benefits of Reducing Carbon Emissions

Cutting back on carbon emissions has a variety of benefits. Here are some of the best benefits of reducing carbon emissions in your life.

Source: DC Studio/Shutterstock.com

  1. Reduced respiratory issues. When carbon emissions drop, air quality gets better. That means your overall health gets better! When the air quality is clearer, you will have less issues exercising, breathing and notice reduced respiratory illnesses. The polluted air particles aren’t entering your nose and lungs to irritate or inflame your body.
  2. Lower amounts of stress. Did you know that stress amounts decrease when there’s lower amounts of greenhouse gases in the air? When there’s less pollution, there’s a lower chance of acute weather events (aka natural disasters, like flooding, hurricanes, earthquakes, etc). These weather events can lead to homes, businesses and entire cities being destroyed, and that can cause a large amount of stress on inhabitants of those areas. Cutting carbon emissions can have a positive impact on your mental health.
  3. More financial savings. When you cut carbon emissions, you add to your wallet. Unplugging devices, taking public transit and incorporating more sustainable living choices into your lifestyle will create areas of cost savings you probably didn’t realize. There are a variety of commuter rewards available that make the changes worth it. Discounts on restaurants, shopping and even local experiences just for doing your part can also add to your pile of savings.
  4. Easier commute. Have you ever been sitting in traffic, wishing you could be catching up on emails or watching something on your favorite streaming service instead? When you choose public transit, carpooling or even vanpooling, you can have a much easier commute. One of the best commuter benefits of choosing an alternative to driving is the time you can save by not sitting in traffic.

The Bottom Line

Choosing to cut back on carbon emissions is a big step in wanting to do your part to go green. There are a variety of things you can do and benefits to shifting your habits. Choosing transit, investing in sustainable items and reducing your energy usage all contribute to making your carbon emissions lower.