

TRAFFIX is a cooperative public service designed to promote and implement transportation alternatives. TRAFFIX was established in 1995 as a state funded Transportation Demand Management Program (TDM) designed to assist with the states’ effort to decrease traffic congestion during peak travel times.


Introducing Bike Boost

We donate and install free modern bike racks and repair stations, helping to secure bikes and offering quick fixes. Apply Here.


Commuter Rewards & Ridematching

TRAFFIX Rewards offers carpool matching and commuter rewards. Find your match and get rewards from local and national sponsors when you share the ride, use mass transit, telework, walk, or bike to and from any occasion (work, recreation, shopping).

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Guaranteed Ride

This program provides you with a reliable ride back to your point of origin if you have an unexpected emergency after you arrive at work.

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Vanpool Assistance

A vanpool involves 7-15 commuters who use a van owned by a third-party leasing agency or possibly their own. TRAFFIX offers financial assistance for qualified vanpools.

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Park & Ride

Park & Ride lots provide a convenient place to park your car so you can transfer to a carpool, vanpool, or catch a bus, light rail or ferry.

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